IfA Facilities and Faxes
For calls made from out-of-state or another island, use 1-808-xxx-xxxx.
Manoa Facilities
Reception office |
956-8312 |
B-126D |
ATLAS Laboratory |
956-9873 |
B-112 |
Astrobiology Seminar Room |
956-2993 |
PSB 211 |
Auditorium |
C-214 |
Director's office |
956-8566 |
C-202 |
Fern room |
956-8097 |
C-221 |
Friends of
the IfA |
956-8566 |
C-202 |
Graduate program |
956-8138 |
C-219 |
Graphics Lab/UH 2.2-m remote observing |
956-8017 |
B-223 |
IRTF office |
956-8101 |
C-115 |
IR lab C-109 |
956-0985 |
C-109 |
IR lab (G. Ching, P. Onaka) |
956-0985 |
C-123 |
IRTF remote observing |
956-0984 |
(Library back room) |
Keck Remote Observing |
956-5942 |
B-225 |
LIbrary |
956-8907 |
C-108 |
Machine shop |
956-7761 |
A-101 |
Moon room |
956-8540 |
B-228/9 |
NAI CAVE Facility |
956-5942 |
B-225 |
Pan-STARRS lab |
988-9137 |
B-213 |
Press inquiries |
956-6829 |
Reception office |
956-8312 |
B-126D |
Solar lab |
956-3381 |
B-116 |
Visitors' office |
956-6667 |
C-216 |
Manoa Faxes
Administrative Division |
988-2790 |
B-126 |
Astrobiology |
956-7264 |
PSB 212 |
Director's office |
946-3467 |
C-202 |
IRTF/Instrumentation (Susan Lemn) |
988-3893 |
C-115 |
Meteorology |
956-2877 |

Hawaii Island Facilities
IfA Hilo office |
932-2300 |
UH 2.2m telescope |
974-4200 |
MKO emergency phone |
935-7482 |
2.2m HP office |
934-4408 |
Rm 205 |
IRTF summit |
974-4210 |
IRTF HP office |
934-4409 |
Rm 206 |
934-4420 |
Rm 207 |
Hale Pohaku main office |
935-7606 |
MKSS Hilo |
974-4205 |
Snow reports |
935-6268 |
Onizuka Center
Visitor Information Station |
961-2180 |
2.2m day crew room |
932-2398 |
Hilo 218 |
2.2m remote observing room |
932-2395 |
Hilo 118 |
IRTF day crew room |
932-2372 |
Hilo 219 |
IRTF remote observing room |
932-2379 |
Hilo 119 |
NGST detector lab |
932-2363 |
Hilo 228 |
NGST programmers |
932-2367 |
Hilo 144 |
UH instrumentation lab |
932-2391 |
Hilo 231 |
IRTF students |
932-2373 |
Hilo 120 |
IRTF instumentation lab |
932-2374 |
Hilo 233 |
Hawaii Island Faxes
IfA Hilo office |
933-0737 |
UH 2.2m |
974-4202 |
IRTF summit |
974-4212 |
Hale Pohaku main office |
934-4509 |
MKSS Hilo |
974-4215 |
Onizuka Center Visitor Information Station |
969-4892 |
Maui Facilities
Kula (Pukalani) office |
573-9500 |
Mees Observatory |
243-5892 x-1 |
243-5892 x-2 |
Zodiacal Light Observatory (SOLARC) |
243-5892 x-3 |
AEOS IfA coudé room |
244-3753 x-526 |
PS1 Remote Operations Center |
573-9525 |
ATRC 210 |
Maui Faxes
Administrative Division, Kula |
573-9557 |
Haleakala Observatories |
243-5894 |