Astronomy Alumni

A total of 146 astronomy students graduated from University of Hawai‘i with MS or PhD degrees in astronomy from 1975 to 2012.   Of these, 117 were awarded the PhD degree, and a further 29 the MS degree.

Careers in Astronomy

We have kept track of the careers of more than 90% of our graduates; see our latest information in the accompanying listing. Eighty-three percent of our PhD alumni have remained in the field of astronomy. This is among the highest percentages for any PhD program in the United States, which we believe is a testament to the strong research programs carried out by IfA students during their graduate student years in Hawaii. Most of the remainder are working in the information and communications industries.

Degree Completion Rate

The success rate for students entering the UH astronomy graduate program over the last 25 years is high. As of June 2012, 165 students had passed through the UH astronomy graduate program (excluding those currently enrolled). Almost two-thirds of these students left with a PhD degree; another 20% gained the MS degree. Most of the remaining 19 students made their decision to withdraw from the program within one year of entering it, or transferred into another graduate program.


  Male Female Total
Awarded PhD 87 (74%) 30 (26%) 117 (100%)
Terminal MS 20 (69%) 9 (31%) 29 (100%)
No degree 15 (79%) 4 (21%) 19 (100%)
Total 122 (74%) 43 (26%) 165 (100%)